The Vacation

The word “vacation “itself creates a sense of happiness in everyone .What makes us all to feel happy on hearing this word .? Yeah.....The mind which worked at a greater pace is known to slow down and work according to its pace. Isn't it wonderful?

For a school going kid vacation is to wake up late in the morning, spend more time on the television, play outside with friends and the kid is really more excited for there would be no home works, no test, and wonderfully no tuition People in teens have a different perspective or view to face vacation. Youth
both male and female between 16 to 24 have various outlooks for a vacation. Having finished school these adolescent teenagers are now ready to explore to the world .They find new friends,spend time to improve their passion ,they are ready to fantasise their thoughts.

Now as we move on to the third face “The matured people”both working and home makers ,male and female,married and unmarried,settled and unsettled have long years of their life to experience vacation. Their plans are unlimited. In the male world it is about rest at home, having good food, spending time with kids and family, visiting homes far and near .In the female world it is about quality time with all the members in the family, doing house hold chores ,shopping,finding time for all they missed out.

As we now think of elders ,the retired ones at home their vacation indeed after a long combat in life is worth discussing. Most of the elders today are left alone even having no one to share of what they feel being this way. Hats off to all those elders who haven’t kept them on vacation. Elders are not ready to face vacation. They wait for their sons and daughters their grandparents to be on vacation with them. They fear vacation, and they intend to keep themselves occupied till they receive their call from their creator.

To end up,we are aware that the life and vacation here in this world doesn’t last long. We are to believe that we have a long retiring vacation when we are taken off this world. The happiness that we will all have a peaceful vacation later in life keeps this world swirling. So keep enjoying.

By Rossana, Chennai

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