Traffic management, via FB - The Hindu

Traffic management, via FB - The Hindu

Recently, a traffic situation was sorted out without the complainants actually walking up to the cops.
All they had to do was to complain on the Facebook page of the Chennai City Traffic Police......

Crow and Fox Animation

Click on Flag to run the animation

I did this animation in Scratch which is an easy way to make animation using simple codes and picture. Please visit

Villivakam Subway, Chennai

Villivakkam is a neighbourhood located in ChennaiTamil Nadu. It is a residential area known for famous temples. It is surrounded by Kolathur in North, Padi in East , ICF and Perambur in West and Anna Nagar in the South.

Indian Railway lines crosses through Villivakkam which divides it into north and south part namely North Jaganatha Nagar and South Jaganatha Nagar. People reaching Kolathur and North Jaganatha Nagar from Anna Nagar and Vice versa have to wait for the Railway Signal to cross the railway crossing near ICF. So there was a demand by the North Chennai people to construct a subway beneath the track to reach either sides. The subway was constructed over a period of seven years at a cost of around Rs. 34 crore. Villivakkam Subway was started on 4 December 2007 and was inaugurated on 19 June 2012. After many delays the bridge was constructed and surprisingly it made every one to wonder how it was constructed below an active railway track fearing of fast trains passing over.The 447.50-m-long subway also has a bicycle or walking lane of 2.5 m width. People cross the roads in this lane easily. The subway is provided with drainage facility too, however during rainy season, water stags over the road and takes few hours to drain. Rather saying this subway connects North and south Villivakkam, it conencts North and South Chennai as well.

The subway is laid on the Redhills road which conencts Redhills easily from Anna Nagar and Villivakkam. However the road is crowded now, after the subway was opened. The road crossers find difficult to cross the roads near the subway starting point and the road is also small. There is a demand by the people of this area to extend the Redhills road that will make easy for the transport. There are also few Government buses passing through this subway reaching Redhills and Poombukar Nagar.

There is also demand for operating Mini Buses between Villivakkam Bus Terminus and Perambur through the subway linking Srinivasa Nagar and also the surrounding Areas like Sidco Nagar, Kolathur, Anna Nagar, etc.

People from South side of the Subway are seen driving smoothly and safely. However vehicles from North side passing through the subway are found rushing and very aggressive which affects pedestrians and road crossers.  Now one can see a Police Man appointed to watch the crossing area for any issues dues to traffic. Since people driving  from market nearby also join the starting point of subway, sometimes traffic jam happens in the South side of the Subway.  School children and Senor Citizens feel disturbed to walk through the streets nearby and to cross the roads, since the traffic rushes aggressively.  There is also a demand by the people on VIllivakkam to the Government to control the traffic and provide a space for pedestrians, considering school children and Senior citizens.

Other References

Indian Flag in Vegetables

Indian Flag in Vegetables
Indian Flag consists of tricolors - Saffron, White and Green with a Bluish Wheel in the centre with 24 spokes.
Saffron colour represents Courage and Sacrifice
White colour represents Truth, Peace and Purity
Green colour represents prosperity
Wheel with Blue colour is Ashoka Chakra representing laws of Dharma - Dharmachakra.

Indian flag concept was made with few vegetables.
The Flag Pole was arranged with Sweet Potatoes
Saffron colour was arranged with Carrots
White colour was arranged with Radishes
Green colour was arranged with Ladyfingers
Only for Ashoka Chakra we did't find a Vegetable, hence was replaced with a Paper wheel with blue colour.

Republic Day 2014 Wishes

Republic Day 2014
Republic Day Wishes to all our Visitors

Republic Day (India) 2014

Please Read These Links:

Republic Day (India)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In India, Republic Day honours the date on which the Constitution of India came into force–on 26 January 1950–replacing the Government of India Act (1935) as the governing document of India.[1]
The Constitution was passed in the Constituent Assembly of India on 26 November 1949 and was adopted on 26 January 1950 with a democratic government system, completing the country's transition toward becoming an independent republic.
26 January was the date selected for this purpose because it was this day in 1930 when the Declaration of Indian Independence (Purna Swaraj) was proclaimed by the Indian National Congress.[2]
It is one of three national holidays in India, other two being Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti.


Independence Day in India is the celebration of victory over British Rule that succeeded a long fought war through violent and non-violent means, Republic Day celebrates the coming into force of its constitution. The main Republic Day celebration is held in the national capital, New Delhi, at the Rajpath before the President of India . On this day, ceremonious parades take place at the Rajpath, which are performed as a tribute to India .

Chief guest

Since 1950, India has been hosting head of state or government of another country as the state guest of honour for Republic Day celebrations in New Delhi. During 1950-1954, Republic Day celebrations were organized at different venues (like Irwin Stadium, Kingsway, Red Fort and Ramlila Grounds).[3] It was only starting 1955 when the parade in its present form was organized at Rajpath.[3] The guest country is chosen after a deliberation of strategic, economic and political interests. During 1950s-1970s, a number of NAM and Eastern Bloc countries were hosted by India. In the post-Cold War era, India has also invited several Western leaders on a state visit during the Republic Day. It is notable that before India fought bloody wars with China and Pakistan, leaders from these countries were invited as state guests for the Republic Day celebrations. Interestingly, Pakistan Food and Agriculture Minister was the second state guest from that country for Republic Day in 1965, a few days after which the two countries went to a war. Countries which have been invited multiple times include India's neighbours (BhutanSri Lanka and Mauritius), defence allies (Russia/USSRFrance and Britain), trade partners (Brazil) and NAM allies (Nigeria and erstwhile Yugoslavia). France has the distinction of being the guest of honour for the maximum (four) number of times followed by three visits each from BhutanMauritius and USSR/Russia.

25th January 2014

     25th January 2014, Time: 7:00 PM IST
 Hon'ble President of India 
Shri pranab mukherjee
Address to the Nation on the eve of
65th Republic Day of India
Webcast by :
National Informatics Centre
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Simple colorful Pongal Kolams

Two Kolams were snapped on the day of Pongal which were interesting and simple.

The first one was as simple as that. A + symbol was drawn and crossed with X lines. The ends were extended to a point like a leaf end. These leafy ends were further connected with half leaf ends. The inner part was colored with dark yellow like color. This will resemble a flower, The ends were further joined by a single curve and was colored in blue inside. The end points were extended with a pink color flower with leafy like shapes. A green leaf also was drawn additionally. This Kolam is simple and easy to draw.

The second one is worked out with many curve shapes and leaf like appearances. Four heart like structures are drawn over two leaves. In between these shapes "Sangu" - Conch Shell pattern is drawn. These were joined with arcs and curves. DIfferent colors were given for this Kolam. 

Mayil (peacock) Kolam

Sent by Anjali, Mumbai

This Kolam outline was drawn with chalk piece over the floor. Then the color flour was taken in a special spraying machine which sprays only fine particles of the Flour. Gently the colour was sprayed inside the outline slowly to get beautiful shades. It took almost two hours to complete this task. Final touch was given with different shades and borders to get a wonderful look similar to a Peacock. Peacock is called as Mayil in tamil.

Water - Costless Medicine for Digestion

For many, digestion have been a difficult task. There are various reasons for digestive problems, but clearing this problem is not a easy task. Many of us will be trying different products or medicines for curing digestion. Out of all Water is precious, cost less and an effective medicine for digestion.

Normally pills are used after food and it improves digestion. Regular use of pills increases toxic in body resulting in irritation over body. Even medical research says our kidney strains more in removing the unnecessary particles from the tablets or pills.

Antacids are also used for softening the stomach burn and heart burn due to acidity. This also improves digestion but on long run increases toxic in body resulting in inconvenience. After long usage its becomes addiction to use these antacids or digestion doesn't happen without an antacid tablet or suspension or gel. All these are chemical oriented and in long run causes inconvenience in our body both physically and mentally.

The food we eat also accounts for indigestion. Fatty foods, artificial preservatives, artificial ingredients that increases taste of food, etc increases indigestion. Usage of vegetables and green leafy products will increase digestion.

Above all to clear the stomach have been tedious for people who have digestive problem. Once our stomach is cleared freely, digestion improves and we become healthier too. Heart burn reduces and stomach problem also gets reduced. Once the Stomach is cleared we are happy for the entire day.

Early morning at or before sunrise is the best time to meet the calls of Nature. Take a glass of water in the initial days of practice. Then make it regular to take four glasses of water every day or near to 1 lite of water depending upon our body condition. If our body does accept 4 glasses of water it is advisable to reduce the number of glasses that we are comfortable with. After taking water rest by sitting or being calm for some time. Try to be calm for 30 minutes, within which the stomach starts to gain weight and the gastritis being released. You can observe some changes in stomach that induces you to move to toilet to clear you stomach. This also reduces toxic from your body and improves health by improving digestion. Also this method is cost less method and a natural way to improve digestion and reducing inconvenience in stomach.This method can control Blood pressure, Gastric problem, Diabetics, Constipation, etc...

Tamil Wikipedia

Tamil Wikipedia can be accessed in the below link

A welcome screen to the Wikipedia in Tamil is seen.
It has various links to Tamil Language, Culture, History, Science, Computation, Social and personalities too..
Once can find essays of various topics in Tamil. We can find many useful resources about Tamil, which will be useful for all Tamil People

Presently (June 2013 - May 2014) an essay competition is announced in this site which Tamil loving people can make use of..Rs30000/- have been announced as prize for the competition.

A Goat Family Visit

Interestingly a Goat family was seen adventuring streets, eating organic plants and watching people passing by. The parents were safe guarding two children which were following their parents direction. While i thought of taking a snap the parent Goats started avoiding me, later fencing their children from me.

I waited for few minutes and they understood, i meant no hurt to them. They allowed me to take snaps and even showed up a pose for my click.The kids were so slender that it looked like a Soft Doll. Then having spent some time with them watching their movement and the way kids were protected, it made me feel Love is for all beings. I let them go further on their adventure and they left with a expression indicating Bye Bye....

Happy Mattu Pongal Wishes

Happy Mattu Pongal Wishes to our visitors and Tamil People

Happy Mattu Pongal

We Wish our Visitors and Tamil People a Happy Mattu Pongal

Pongal Kolam 2014 page3

A Simple outline can be drawn on the place selected for drawing the Kolam. Here we can see a simple flower outline is drawn.The Flour is pinched between Index and Thumb finger and spread evenly by sliding the thumb over index finger. Here a small circle is drawn with oval shaped drawings over it. A polygon surrounds this small flower. The polygon again can be extended with flower petal shapes. Now spread the color powder or flour inside this petals slowly and steadily. Use different colors for each petals.

 Once the coloring is done for petals a simple Kolam with brilliant colors is completed. This is a simple and easy method to draw a colorful Kolam.

Now we can proceed further with adding parallel lines or curves and marking white flour markings over colored area. It provides a good contrast to colored area.

Now complete the Kolam with drawing a lotus shape between petals with arcs, curves and antenna shapes. Color it with desired colors and give an outline with white color flour to add some perfection. Between the open space draw a circle and color it. Draw few lines over it which predicts a bright light. Finally enclose this arrangements with a leafy like outline and drawing curves inside this structure. The closed curves can be colored too. Now a beautiful Kolam is drawn and can be given final touching, to see a smile face on any one who sees the Kolam.

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Pongal Kolam 2014 page2

Since Pongal season is Chill season with cool weather, the Kolam flour might be little moisturized. To remove the moisture the kolam powder can be dried near mild sun rays or warm shady place. Spreading the Kolam flour on Newspaper will absorb some moisture too. It can also be dried under direct sun rays, but some kolam flour might change color or might crystallize. Once the Colour powder or flour is dried they are ready for drawing Kolam in front of house or on the entrance near the road side.

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Pongal Kolam 2014 page1

Kolam Powder is white in color which is made from white pebbles or white stones. Even white sand or river sand are nicely grinded to produce Kolam powder. Kolam powder / flour is sold by Small vendors usually a man carrying few kilograms of flour in a sack. Usually he sells with a measuring Metallic Cylindrical Cup named "padi". They are sold for 20 to 40 Rupees depending upon quality and season timings.Additionally Color flour also sold either mixed or raw. The range starts from 5 Rupees to 15 Rs. Now a days trend changes such a way the sellers sells the readily mixed color Kolam falour as displayed below. The price ranges from 20 to 40 Rupees. In villages the rates are much lesser too..

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Happy Pongal

We Wish Our Visitors and Tamil People All Around the World a Happy Pongal.

"Tamizhar Thirunal NalVazhtukkal"

Loads of Manjjal / Turmeric

Few days before Pongal Festival , Turmeric leaves with root - Manjjal, arrived in Loads to Koyambedu Market, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. One would be excited to see the Lorries carrying big bundles of Turmeric Leaves / shoots.

Vendors were found unloading the Turmeric shootings / leaves and auctioning the same. The turmeric shoots were ready to be sold out. The roots were seen fresh and it excites our mind to buy a fresh leafy turmeric.
Turmeric has a Medicinal value and a well known herbal in Tamil Culture. Its used in Cooking and Beauty products. The arrival of these Turmeric leaves are for Pongal Celebration. The Leaves along with the root is tied around the Pongal Pot which is a custom followed by Tamil People.

This Picture shows the Turmeric Shoots stored for selling.