Schmidt Memorial to be wrapped, strengthened - The Hindu

Rerefence: Schmidt Memorial to be wrapped, strengthened - The Hindu

  • Karl Schmidt Memorial

  • The Karl Schmidt Memorial is an architectural landmark commemorating a Dutch sailor who drowned in 1930 trying to save the life of a girl. It is located at Elliot's Beach in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The monument is presently in a derelict state. Wikipedia
  • KarlSchmidtMemorial

    Chennai Corporation is taking good measures to protect Memorials from getting collapsed.

    Eliot Beach is one of the Recreation and Tourist place at Besant Nagar near Thiruvanmyur, Chennai. This Beach is small but attracts many many people. The memorial over here is of historic importance. At present the memorial is seen in broken condition and needs some maintenance work to retain its appearance. Chennai Corporation will  use Fiber Wrapping Technology to reinforce the structure. Once the monument is renovated and if a board displaying its historical importance is done, it will help the visitors of Eliot Beach to know about the History of the place..

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