Chennai Bus routes to get footpaths by LS polls - The Hindu

Reference: Bus routes to get footpaths by LS polls - The Hindu

Foot path for Pedestrians and Bus Passengers was shorter in width and was found difficult to use. Few used foot paths and others used the road for walking. There were also encroachments by shops and vehicle parking.

In Chennai a Topographic Survey of bus route was conducted recently and a decision to widen the Footpath was taken. The redesigned Foot path will be around 2 to 2.5 meter wide. Electricity cables and Junction boxes are also relocated to provide way for the foot path.

Zonal Officials will be taking action to remove any encroachments that blocks the Foot path. However steps should be taken to restrict the parking of two wheelers, cars, taxis and commercial vehicles over the footpath. Certain Temporary shops like the tea shops, flower sellers and Tiffen centres are found encroaching, who vacate the place if the officials visit and return to the business again when officials leave.

Widening the Footpath will definitely get praise from Public and will denote the development of our Chennai city. Also this is going to hep the passengers travelling in bus. It will help them reach the Bus stand easily and most of the bus routes in Chennai will be covered by  this newly constructed paths. Thanks to the Government for taking measures to widen the footpath and making easy for the Pedestrians and Bus Passengers.

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