Market at Sunday Morning

Sunday is a holiday in almost all part of Tamil Nadu. Sunday morning is pleasant with no worries in mind, since it is not a working day. Many plan for entertainment by visiting places, cooking special foods, visiting relatives, and so on...However there are few things which we can see in common at Vegetable and fruit markets during early morning of every Sunday Sunday is a special day for Vegetable and fruit vendors who sell for higher rate and fresh ones.
Vegetable Market
It is heard that on Saturday most of the market in Tamil Nadu receives fresh Vegetables and fruits from surrounding area, districts and neighbor states too. Local vendors and few residents take a trip to nearest big market to purchase vegetables and fruits.

One can see bundle of Coriander leaves grouped for selling. Local vendors buy in a lot for wholesale rate and normal public get for a cheaper retail price.With addition to this Pudina (Mentha - in English)
in small bundles are sold. Pudina is a mint flavored leaf which gives nice taste and smell. With this Karuvepillai Leaves (Curry leaves - in English) are also sold.
These three leaves are of great smell and gives taste to food which forms the part of Special food ingredient during every Sundays.
Pudina leaves
Coriander leaves

Curry Leaves

Ginger is also an important ingredient which will be available in lot.This gives special taste, smell and helps in food digestion. Also it changes the meat or fishy smell to good one.

Vegetables which are sold mostly are Beans, Carrot, Tomato and Potato.




Other than this Pumpkin, Cauliflower, Drum stick, Goose berry, Brinjal and other vegetables are sold.

People purchase the vegetables and fruits early morning and start preparing their favorite delicious special food for Sunday and they make the day too a special one.

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